I am going to ask you a very serious question. I want you to answer honestly. You can say it out loud if you want (people around you might think you are crazy – you have been forewarned!). You can whisper it into the recesses of your mind and keep the answer to yourself. Or, you can comment below and tell the world your truth.
When you were young, wild, carefree, and fearless….
What was your dream job?
Think about it. Give it a second to soak in, seep into the cracks of your brain, and just REMEMBER that cute little kid.
Would that munchkin of your past self be proud of who you are right now? Or would they feel a bit disappointed that you didn’t keep chasing those crazy dreams?
When I was young, I recall wanting to do anything and everything with my life. I wanted to be:
A ballerina.
A firefighter.
A hair stylist.
A cowgirl.
A mom.
A doctor.
A nurse.
A Power Ranger. (The yellow one)
A race car driver.
Luckily, my mom wrote one of these schemes down, and at one point in my life I was quite seriously considering being A SUNBEAM for a career. It was apparently very upsetting when she informed me of the bad news that SUNBEAMS don’t actually get paid. WHAT??!
(For anyone who doesn’t know what a sunbeam is, it is the Sunday class for 3-year-old children in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I also missed the part where there was an exclusive age limit to this brilliant job endeavor. But it was a good idea at the time!)
Did you take a minute to remember all of those dreams you created in your pure, innocent minds as a child? It’s kind of fun to think about all those possibilities that were right outside your front door back then. Why did we think we could do all of those things?
Because nobody told us we couldn’t.
They encouraged us to chase EVERY dream.
To live without fear of failure, because that wasn’t even a word in our vocabulary.
We were taught to BE whatever we wanted.
Somewhere along the way, we forgot. The world told us we couldn’t succeed at those crazy plans…that failure was inevitable.
Guess what? They were wrong. You can still do anything and everything you have ever dreamed of. That little girl with the missing teeth and giant fro bangs would not be happy with me if I gave up on myself. Sure a few of my plans have changed (although I will assure you that the Power Ranger transformation is still in full effect…Obviously). But I am still out there chasing down success every single day. It’s all about TRYING.
I hope you join me. I hope you can find the courage and take a leap of faith to believe. Believe you can do ANYTHING and MORE.
You got this.
Get out there and make a plan. It doesn’t have to be big changes all at once! Just take one step at a time and before you know it, you will have accomplished the unthinkable. You will have become that person you knew you could be. Don’t let the world tell you who you can or can’t be….
They have no idea that a glorious, powerful, amazing spirit is residing inside that average-looking human. Not to mention they have no idea about your plans for domination as a Power Ranger who is clearly trained to conquer the world.
Go get ’em tiger! Make that fearless kid proud, and be who you want. Do what you want. Dream big! Anything else is just settling…
XOXO – Heath
mirabhasin says
That is beautiful! I love this post so much, I want to just dream big and not worry about the future! I love how you say anything else is just settling, completely true! Thanks so much for sharing and I have just come across your blog and loving your posts Heath! I just started a blog, and I was just wondering if you have any time to read my first posts! If not, that is totally fine, but keep up the good work!
Heather Baggs says
Mira, thank you so much for reading! I truly appreciate the support and kind words 🙂 I would love to read your blog and will head over there right now. Good luck in this new adventure, it has been such a help to me to have a place to express myself and share a bit of my heart! Dream big and never settle! The world is in your hands and you can do anything! Keep in touch, I would love to have some awesome blogging friends!